活動主辦: 澳大利亞澳門學生聯會
合辦單位: 澳門全藝社
協辦單位: 澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局 澳門中華學生聯合總會
贊助單位: 澳門教育暨青年局1. 澳門學生聚餐 =>Macanese Wanted!
日期: 10月14日 星期五
想認識新朋友和擴闊社交圈子的澳門學生們,我們誠邀您出席這個聚餐!參與者可以結識一些在澳洲不同省份的澳門留學生,大家可以互相分享和交流生活點滴和留澳心得。欲了解更多關於該活動詳程,請瀏覽我們的網頁或關注我們的Facebook群組!2. Macau Got Talent => 同繪繽紛澳門 @ 澳門節2011
日期: 10月15日 星期六
時間: 早上十時正開始想在澳洲展示出我們澳門青年的活力?現在有機會了!
我們會在悉尼的Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour 即場與澳門同青年們同共創作一副1.2 米 x 10.8 米的大型Graffiti。充滿創意及動力的你們萬勿過錯過!
沒有太多Graffiti 的經驗嗎?沒關係!因為我們會有來自澳門的青年藝術家指導著我們!而且您還有機會把即場製作的小型油畫免費帶回家呢!活動內容如此豐富,記得帶同三五知己一同參與吧!
如果想進一步了解精彩的活動內容, 可以通過電子郵件方式聯絡我們: [email protected]/ [email protected]Host: Macau Student Association, Australia
Co-organiser: Macau Government Tourist Office Australia & New Zealand (MGTO-AU/NZ), General Association of Chinese Students of Macao and the Art for All Society (Macau) and Sponsor: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau.1. Macau Students Gathering Dinner => MACANESE WANTED!
14 October, 2011 (Friday)
Students who wish to meet friends and enlarge their social
network are warmly welcomed to attend this dinner. Participants will have a chance to meet their fellow students who are currently studying across the nation, who will share experiences and information about their lives in Australia. Please stay tuned for this event detail on our website and follows us on Facebook!2. Macau Got Talents! => Live Graffiti Painting @Macau Festival 2011
15 October, 2011 (Saturday) – 10am – 12am
Want to show off our Macanese youth vibrancy in Australia? There comes the chance! We will be conducting a live creation of a big Graffiti of 1.2m x 10.8m in Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour, Sydney.
Get yourself a chance to be involved in the LIVE creation of the artwork, to meet other Macanese and enjoy the activities available that we put together for Macanese by Macanese in Australia!With little experience in live Graffiti creation? No worries! As we will be guided by our young artist from Macau! And you will even get the chance to take home with a small piece of art work for FREE!
BRING YOUR FRIENDS and be part of this big Graffiti!
For more information or RSVP, please E-mail us on [email protected]/ [email protected](資料來源︰澳大利亞澳門學生聯會)
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